Unfrequently Asked Questions is a qualitative research & innovation bureau. We design and execute research methods that are culturally sensitive, inclusive and participatory.
We work with and for research organizations, governments and other institutions who want to understand what really matters to the people they design policies, interventions and products for.
We use ethnographic research methods, that center on equality and user control over their data.
It is our mission to contribute to a society with more room for the voices, perspectives and sensibilities of different groups of people.
Our research methods account for the many different ways in which people express themselves.
We don’t only focus on what people say. But also on what they sense, and how they sense it.
Unfrequently Asked Questions is based in Amsterdam and Heidelberg and connected with researchers across Europe.
We are social innovators, teachers and speakers, with a background in cultural anthropology.
Our key quality is to facilitate mutual understanding across cultural and institutional boundaries.